A note from Fr. Sexton on Fr. Hogan’s passing
By Parish Newsletter • Jan 9th, 2009 • Category: News, Religous NewsWhat a difference a week makes! We will have to adjust to life without Fr. Hogan, but during these early days it is right to cherish our memories of a great and lovely man. There is so much I would like to say, but I’d like to wait a little while.
One thing I have to say is a huge thank you to the whole parish for the wonderful way you honoured him in life and in death. I had a phone call from one priest who, like many others, spoke of the beautiful experience at both Monday & Tuesday’s ceremonies. But what he really wanted to comment on was the extraordinary welcome he felt from all parishioners – the type of warm welcome Fr. Kevin had for everybody.
Obviously there will be many changes during the coming period, but we will face that together and with your consultation.
Seán Sexton

the newsletter distributed in the churches of the parish each weekend.
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