Inagh Church Celebrations – 150 Years
By Parish Newsletter • Sep 24th, 2008 • Category: News, Religous NewsOn Sunday next the parish will celebrate the 150th Anniversary of Inagh Church. There will be a special concelebrated Mass at 12 noon led by Bishop Walsh followed by light refreshments in the Hall. The celebration will recall the history of the parish over the centuries. Everybody is welcome to attend this historic event and a special welcome for people returning to the Parish. HELP NEEDED on Wednesday evening at 7.00p.m. to clean up the church for this event.

the newsletter distributed in the churches of the parish each weekend.
All posts by Parish Newsletter
Im in Australia researching my Haren Ancestors who apparently were from Inagh or Milltown Malbay Co Clare
wondering if theres any Harens there interested in research , would love to Share with them
My Harens are as Follow
John Haren and wife Hanora
Thomas, annie, Kate, Bridget, mary, Patrick, May have been others…children born 1830s-1840s]
Hanora, Kate, Bridget, and annie came to South Australia in 1850s
[EDITOR: If you can help Cathy, please let us know so we can pass on her details.]