Inagh “ARK” Childcare Services

By • Oct 30th, 2007 • Category: News

in association with Inagh Development Ltd. propose to open its new facility on 26th Nov. ’07.  On 25th Nov. between 12 noon and 4pm they will hold an open day where all the community are invited to view the facility.  This will give the opportunity to decide if the facility suits your needs and the needs of your children.  The premises can cater for 6 babies, 18 toddlers, 20 preschool and 20 afterschool.  If you are interested in enrolling your children please complete an enrolment form and return it to Bernie Foudy, Michelle Wynne or Mike O’Connor a.s.a.p as some places are limited.

the newsletter distributed in the churches of the parish each weekend.
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